Testimonies of Deliverance and Healing
Hayley Neal, Bath UK
Over three weeks ago, I was healed of Spirits of rejection, lust, ADHD, fatigue, fear, self pity, sexual abuse and suicidal depression, heaviness and confusion; that have hindered me for years.
I remember just months ago God putting it on my heart to get Deliverance.
In desperation, I began to search on Google for a deliverance ministry that could help me get free from my inner torment and confusion and pain.
I reached out to "In The Name of Jesus" Ministries and wrote out a message telling them my issues, sent it off and they got back very quickly.
I was administered by Dr Al and a lady named Rachel, who originally came from the UK.
I immediately felt comfortable and heard. I literally felt a freedom like I've never felt before.
David Benson, Ontario Canada
Good morning folks,
I want to personally thank both of you from the bottom and top of my heart ( oh what the heck my whole heart) :) my healed heart lol ………..praise God, for the commitment, love, compassion, discernment, and obedience to believe in the fullness of Christ Jesus our Master Physician, Counsellor, Comforter and guide……. So precious and beautiful to see you perform the works of Jesus through the Holy Ghost that resides within both of you. Hallelujah! I’m singing his praises and rejoicing in the Holy Spirt anointing ……….
Keep up this amazing and necessary ministry you are helping so many… I’m so grateful that God brought you into my life in perfect timing
Be in touch again soon for another private session! Hallelujah
Your bro in Christ
Albina Royal, Texas USA
I want to testify about my deliverance.
How God set me free from heavy witchcraft from my mother and ex-husband. Getting marry to my husband who is from Tanzania and having two children from him, left me in another desolation, and disappointment. I couldn't deal with a pain, and abuse towards me and my children from my ex, the marriage ended in divorce.
That's the time I knew I had to find the deliverance ministry to get breakthrough.
I googled a few ministries and IN THE NAME OF JESUS DELIVERANCE MINISTRY stood out to me, so I put my information, and I got respond immediately - the next day I was prayed and delivered. GLORY be to God.
God use mightily pastor Al to set me free from all the witchcraft and demons that were operating in my life.
I will be grateful forever, I was desperate to be free, and God did it for me.
ITNOJ Ministry also thought me how to fight back after deliverance, which was really powerful.
What a wonderful ministry to be a part of.
Bruce Tandy, Kentucky USA
The session on 4/14 eliminated slumber when attempting to pray or study scripture. My 1st session removing the Jezebel spirit was a major breakthrough. Enabled me to forgive, eliminated lust, bringing freedom I haven't felt in years. Every session something repressed the Holy Spirit reveals to me. Last night the oaths, pledges and secret ceremonies from my fraternity in college. The revelation came, the belching started, then release. You have the spirits on the run. God Bless You Both !
Colton Keating, New Jersey USA
Hey there! Thankyou so much again for praying for me yesterday, that was my first time at a deliverance video chat session and I have never felt the Holy Spirit so strong. That was amazing, my whole body was tingling and going numb and anxiety and pressure on my head was just coming off of me continuously. I am just so thankful for finding your ministry. Afterwards I felt like my relationship with God had become closer getting all that off me, you guys are awesome prayer warriors, Glory to God Thankyou — Colton
Joanne Beaubrun, Florida, USA
I wanted to testify you guys prayed for me and GOD has been moving on my behalf. 1st you guys prayed to remove the spirit of poverty out of my life. 2 weeks ago i got an increase in my business and o have promoted. I also got a morning job and my work ethic has completely changed. Upper management has been telling me how good i am. And i know it's GOD favor. 2nd i work from home and yesterday when you guys called me up for prayer it was around 6:05 pm i wasnt going to ask for prayer because i started work at 6:30. I was suppose to start at 7 but i added 30 minutes while we where praying. Oh yeah the demons didn't want me to get delivered. But you guys called my name. Prayed for me and GOD had me look at the time it was 6:18 thar demon came out of my back and it felt like it took a knife out of my back with it. It hurt so much when it left but i felt warmth in my back like GOD healing me. I can see the demons when they attack me now. Also GOD revealed to me what i have to pray about too spirit of gossip watching reality tv. Ty Ty Ty so much for your continual prayers for me. You guys are true people of GOD. See you soon love you guys!